The World's largest network of independent playlist curators

  • 100% Guaranteed
    Real Playlists, Real Curators

Building Playlist Campaigns made easy.

We take care of the whole campaign process. Sit back and watch your numbers grow.






Instantly be placed on Playlists in your genre

A worldwide hub for curators and artists. Start your campaign today, by choosing your genre and audience size. It's that simple, get featured on playlists and get your streams up today!

100% Guaranteed

Real playlists, real curators



Don't take our word for it....

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1,000,000,000+ Spotify Streams
These guys are legit! This is a necessity if you are trying to make it in the industry
Fetty Wap
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7,000,000+ Spotify Streams
Helped me get on over 100 playlists!!! The best service I have used!! <3
Moonlight Scorpio
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10,000,000+ Spotify Streams
Essential for any artist trying to get their music out!
King Bach
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15,000,000+ Spotify Streams
Probably the only legit playlist service I have found! real playlists, real fans!
The Glowsticks
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50,000,000+ Spotify Streams
Excellent buy for anyone trying to get their music heard. If you are really serious about your craft, this is a great place to start and get the extra push you need!
Call to action
22,000,000+ Spotify Streams
Major love for everyone involved, the team helped us take our latest release to the next level. We ran a massive playlist campaign and We are still seeing the results come through months later.
EC Twins

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Get Playlist Placement

Spotify is the largest streaming website today, with thousands of new playlists created daily. Each playlist caters to different sounds and audiences and there’s always a place for every song. 

Gain exposure & new listeners 

It’s time you gain exposure and a new audience.  Be placed in carefully curated playlist to increase your streams and capture new fans

Monitor results & grow your streams

With spotify's backend, you can track your songs results. Track your steams, audience, playlist placements and followers.

Choose your genre

Best music distribution company

Distribution is about getting your music out into the world, and more importantly, into listeners' ears. A crowded market makes it difficult for artists to get heard, especially those who are just starting. It's therefore vital you work with a distributor who will give you all the tools you need to get your music heard, at a fair price (and won't steal your royalties in the process!). This makes choosing the right music distributor for Spotify, Apple Music, etc., one of the most critical decisions for any upcoming artist. 

Need help promoting your music? Q Music is the best music distribution company in the market. By researching artist and consumer growth methods, as well as maintaining direct contacts with Spotify, YouTube, and radio stations, we make sure you're always on top. Get access to industry experts and promote your music. 

Playlist-Placement is one of our best playlist promotion services. Not only that, but with our team you will also learn how to create the perfect Spotify artist profile, to get on Discover Weekly and other Spotify algorithmic playlists. The experts at our company will listen to and review each song. In case it's approved, we'll move on to the next step. As a result, your music can get the boost it needs to launch your career.

Get music playlist promotion

To get started, one needs to decide upon their genre of music. Hip-Hop, Pop, Indie, Latin, or Rock QMuisc offers playlist placement in a plethora of genres. The most popular streaming website today is Spotify, with thousands of new playlists being added every day. There's always a place for every song on every playlist, no matter what the sound or audience. Monitoring your results and growing your streams is easy with Q Music. You can track the results for your songs in Spotify's backend. Track your streams, audience, playlist placements, and followers. Your music will be placed in a carefully curated playlist in order to increase streaming and help you gain new fans. 

 - Provide playlist placement:

 Many musicians think that they will get discovered just by uploading new music. You need to go find playlist curators and talk to them. Most of them want to connect with artists and hear your new music. You just have to ask. Share your music with us and we will ensure that your music gets proper exposure, audience and support. 

- Playlist Research:

 The key to pitching your music is researching playlists. You're more likely to get on hot playlists if you have a more extensive list. Q Music helps organize your playlist with details such as Playlist Title, Link, Contacts, Followers, Pitched, and Placed. 

By working directly with independent music curators worldwide, we help you grow your audience and get your music heard. Each Spotify campaign is carefully planned to deliver results, tailored to each artist. Through our powerful network of influencers & professional tastemakers, we get your music heard by the right people. 

All of our Spotify marketing campaigns and Spotify promotion packages are 100% organic. Our Spotify marketing strategies include playlist pitching to curators and optimization to grow your streams and fans. Artists can use this Spotify promotion service to increase their chances of success for future releases as well! 

Spotify playlist promotion is all about promoting your music on the platform. Spotify offers artists the opportunity to reach a larger audience, and knowing when to start a Spotify campaign for artists, where to create Spotify playlists, and how to generate organic Spotify promotion, can give you an edge. 

- Suitable Playlist for your Music:

 Once you have your list of keywords for playlists and the genre is decided, it’s time to discover playlists! 

- Pitch your music to Spotify’s Editorial Team:

 A Spotify editorial playlist can really help you build your following because it is the most followed playlist on the platform. We can introduce your work to the team. Half of Spotify users listen to playlists they create, those generated by algorithms or those curated by tastemakers. Therefore, getting your track featured on a playlist that has a huge following can facilitate new levels of growth for you.